Conversation Between ATLIEN and Socket
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Thanks for the tips. I'm cool with the price. So many forum people are so cheap when it comes to these cars. I've run the BCS open elements and something about bringing all of that dust into the engine bay is just not very appealing to me.
Dinanis the best intake out there imo, very high quality build, looks awesome, pretty easy to fit if you know how to take your front bumper off and works great. Downside is its pretty pricey but so it should for CF. You will need to keep your stock airbox as the Dinan simply clips onto the top and has a snorkle for the air connecting the filter under the front bumper to the airbox. People have concerns about water etc getting in because the filter (ie air intake) is pulled from under the front bumper (but thats the whole point the air is drawn from outside the hot engine bay). I never had an issue with this and I owned and fitted two Dinans on spcgry before going single turbo. Hope this helps
How do you like your dinan intake. I’m interested in one as I like the look and am not interested in a dusty open element design.