Conversation Between neuronpetkowski and Agent11br
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
Hey, sweet car! I looked up one of your threads when you got the hood. I couldn't locate your garage link in your profile for some reason. Would love to see it when you get the M3 bumper, that is going to look sweet! Hope to see you at one of the meets sometime. I'm heading to cars and coffee this Saturday in case you are going as well.
Sorry, haven't been on here lately. I haven't seen you. I'm in Lake Orion, work in Dearborn. (Yeah, a drag of a commute - but not in the BMW all the time). Not a new owner. Have had my e90 since 2006. Check out my garage when you get a chance. Recently put on a Vorsteiner hood, ordered my M3 rep bumper. Painfully you may know.