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hl0m4n 10-02-2010 11:59 PM

This Chick At The Gym...
what are some good conv. starters at the gym? i don't wanna be a creeper and be like you done with the weights, need a spotter :D, etc :lol:.

anyhow, at my gym we got 15 treadmills lined up in a row and ellipticals lined up in front. everytime i get on the treadmill and start running, this chick on the far end of the room on elliptical, gets off and gets on the treadmill next to me.

there are plenty of open treadmills out of the 15, and normally there is nobody x2 left and right of me and she always just takes like a 5 min slow walk next to me texting on her phone and leaves.

so this one time i changed the treadmill i normally use and went to the far end alot of treadmills open and guess what? chick is walking next to me again and leaves after 5 minutes.

im not sure if this chick wants a conversation or what, she just slow walks for 5 min texting on her cell and leaves and im like hm...?

so whats one supposed to do and tbh im a shy kid :love:. maybe chicks dont want the bad boy muscle head dudes no more and want a genuine down to earth asian kid :bellyroll?

inb4 jaykay :D

lopealle 10-03-2010 12:07 AM

How woule you go about talking to girl normally? If you don't usually talk to them then you can start by saying Hi. Ask what her name is and so on.

DougLikesBMW 10-03-2010 12:09 AM

Well I was gunna say that it's almost impossible to pick up at the gym without coming off awkwardly or like a creeper, or at least that has been my experience.

Since she does sort of follow you around on the treadmills it definitely opens up an opportunity for you to say something.

I would make a joke out of it, and be like, "Hey, I know you're just pretending to text, so you don't look socially awkward." Give her a smile and take it from there...

bigslick82 10-03-2010 12:12 AM

1.) How is she dressed? If she is wearing raggy-ass stuff, she's there for business and not usually interested in sweaty dudes talking to her. If she is somewhat presentable, well then she might be open.

2.) The way you describe it sounds like she's looking for a conversation (Using the machine next to you for 5 minutes then leaving - dude, she was waiting for you to say hi). Be yourself. Hi - I've seen you work out here I'm blah blah. If she is working on a machine, go up and ask if she will be long on it -- natural opening.

Oh yeah - this thread is worthless without pics.

BTM 10-03-2010 12:12 AM

Is the girl azn too?

hl0m4n 10-03-2010 12:31 AM

in a norm. scenerio like at school, public, etc no problem talking to a chick but the gym feels really weird to try to get with a chick like the other poster said, it is almost impossible to get a chick at the gym.

at first i thought she was walking for 5 minutes to walk off her hardcore elliptical but when i switched machines and yet she still walking next to me felt unusual.

to be put alittle twist this one time the treadmill on the left was occupied and the right wasnt. so i put my gaterade on the right machine to take the spot just to see what the chick does.

so she sees the gaterae bottle on the machine next to me and uses the machine next to that. during the middle of her walk like 2 min in, i pretend i lost my gaterade bottle and got it on the machine next to me. when she saw the machine was not occupied she stopped her walk and used the one next to me...

the chick is always dressed nicely. spandex pants, nice tight shirt revealing alittle stomach like 1 inch . no belly button ring & no tattoos from what i can see and she sweaty from her elliptical (actually works out :lol:) and she hardly wears any makeup on, just alittle liner and thats basically it.

she like 1.5" shorter then me, white, brunette with blonde highlights long hair in pony tail. blue eyes, in shape, and really nice looking :). so to sum things up she alittle shorter than me, great shape, mid b size boobs nice ass but and overall very porportional :lol:

ben14142001 10-03-2010 12:36 AM

Umm, how many times has she done this? After like 2 times, I probably would have said something to her. But, yeah, I do agree, it's hard sometimes to seem non-creepy at the gym, but man, she seems to be the one doing all the creepin.

radix 10-03-2010 12:44 AM

Just say hi and introduce yourself. It's not hard. If she's twice moved to the machine directly next to you, she's probably waiting on you. Don't make her wait any more or she might lose interest. If you're wrong, then you're wrong, no big deal. You really have nothing to lose.

DougLikesBMW 10-03-2010 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by hl0m4n (Post 8098412)
the chick is always dressed nicely. spandex pants, nice tight shirt revealing alittle stomach like 1 inch . no belly button ring & no tattoos from what i can see.

I done heard enough boy, now go talk to her, it's easy since you have an opener.

c0nstant 10-03-2010 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by radix (Post 8098442)
Just say hi and introduce yourself. It's not hard. If she's twice moved to the machine directly next to you, she's probably waiting on you. Don't make her wait any more or she might lose interest. If you're wrong, then you're wrong, no big deal. You really have nothing to lose.

hl0m4n 10-03-2010 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by radix (Post 8098442)
If you're wrong, then you're wrong, no big deal. You really have nothing to lose.

thats what gets me. if im wrong i just made a fool of myself and would be pretty embarassing lol.

this has been going on for roughly 4 weeks now believe it or not. i go to the gym 4-5 days a week and see her 3 times a week. so 3x4= 12 lol.

MCMLXXXIX 10-03-2010 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by jh valley (Post 8098471)

:lol: oh man, that gif is killing me

but yea, I agree 100% with Radix. dont be embarassed dude, and it looks like youve got a good shot with everything youve said so far

radix 10-03-2010 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by hl0m4n (Post 8098474)
thats what gets me. if im wrong i just made a fool of myself and would be pretty embarassing lol.

You won't make a fool out of yourself simply by saying hi to someone and introducing yourself. People meet and talk to new people all the time, there's nothing foolish about that. In fact, it's worrying about making a fool out of yourself too much that will get you into trouble.

IMO, the only thing wrong here is that you're putting way to much emphasis on the fact that you like her. Try to be a little less concerned with that, and what might happen. Just be calm and be yourself.

BTM 10-03-2010 01:19 AM

Whip it out and see what happens

radix 10-03-2010 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by BTM (Post 8098508)
Whip it out and see what happens

Or just do this. :lol:

MarkR171 10-03-2010 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by BTM (Post 8098508)
Whip it out and see what happens

Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.

hl0m4n 10-03-2010 01:50 AM

good shit, alright next time i see her ill give you guys a report back. hopefully my analysis is right and not wrong being she has no intention as to what i was thinking.

im not jacked or anything just fit, you dont normally see hot white chicks hitting on asian dudes all the time :party0030:. maybe she had a typical bad ass cheat on her and now realized that asians are the best choice :D.

and hey if i fail i still got :dance: FTW :drink:

Joonsup 10-03-2010 02:02 AM

pics or ban

Rawhide 10-03-2010 08:43 AM

The gym is a tough place to hit on women. I managed to pull it off once, she turned out to be bat-shit crazy but that's besides the point.

I kicked the conversation off by complaining about the crappy audio on the treadmill tv's and managed to get her out for a drink later.

TK-421 10-03-2010 09:07 AM

"So i herd u liek Mudkips"

CIGARGUY 10-03-2010 09:28 AM

Use a little humor. Chicks love a guy that can make them laugh. Next time say something like, "Ok, if you insist on working out next to me everytime, I'm going to have to start charging my normal training fee." or, "Hey, since we're always gonna work out together, I might as well tell you my name is ______ so you know who you're working out with." Just keep it light. If she's receptive and easy to talk to from there, you'll know how to proceed. Otherwise, you can at least say hello and call her by name when you see her. Can't lose either way.

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