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      07-12-2011, 09:36 PM   #50
dce93atl's Avatar

Drives: 2017 Buick Enclave "Leather"
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Atlanta, GA

iTrader: (0)

Garage List
College: Dekalb Technical College Clarkston, GA Suburb of Atlanta

A 2-Yr Technical School

Degree: Associates Degree in Computer Programming

Tuition: $300 a Quarter 15+ Credit Hours(in 1996)
$1400 a Semester 15+ Credit Hours (current 2011)
still a deal but what cost increase!

Completion: 3 Years (worked and went to school had to pay for it by myself)

Experience: 6/10
No Sports Teams, no sororities and no fraternaties. Your goal is to finish and get your *ss a job. LOL The parties were always a lot of fun and there were several house parties but you had to be serious if you wanted a job at the end. The programming majors stayed in the lab and didn't get to do much daytime socializing. Everybody else was hanging out when class was over. We were in the lab. Your skill is your ticket to employment. So I had a customer service job all through school but got an IT job in tech support before I graduated. Now I'm a Senior Systems Administrator. So it worked for me. But I really took it seriously......I have other friends that did not...and they are not doing so well. :

Side Note: The girls in Nursing and Medical Assisting programs were hot and so were the girls in the Cosmetology program.
2017 Buick Enclave "Leather"
(Gone) 2013 BMW 740I (Traded For a Baby Carrier),
(TOTALED) 2011 335i Vert

Last edited by dce93atl; 07-13-2011 at 12:53 PM..
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