I will probably get flamed for this but here goes:
as a BMW and non BMW driver... I can tell u what it is
when I drive my beemer, other beemer drivers do not look at me..
whereas when I drive my G35 (here in Lebanon, it's a very rare car.. like.. there are 4 in my color), BMW drivers give me this DIRTY look like they think they are better than me cause of their badge... and I'm talking 318 drivers..
I notice this is only from people with BMWs with small engines... like 18s to 28s...
also I get this a lot from X3 and X5 drivers.. in fact.. all SUV drivers...
it's this arrogance that they have..
it's like Boxsters... they are Porsche only by name... u know?
a 318 is BMW only by name (flame flame flame)
the guy couldn't afford a better one.. and he knows that his car is low end.. so he makes up for it by putting down all other cars to boost his ego and shy away his short comings...
unfortunately.. you don't see as many 335s as you do 318s... or 550s as u do 530s.. 7 series.... etc..
the most u see are 3 series
they feel like the kid brother that has to impress the rest to live up to the expectations of a 550 for example
same as Boxster drivers are all jerks...
then again.. some people are just jealous...