First, this reminds me of exactly why I thank every day for my GF. She loves me, treats me like gold, I have an absolute BLAST with her, she can be very classy in a cocktail dress and make my heart race

, or throw on a pair of jeans and get drunk with my most obnoxious friends, having more and more fun the more and more obnoxious they get

. And now she is getting into BMWs and can spot M3's, M5's and M6's!!!! And now she is asking me if we get hitched can we buy an M?!?!?!?!?!:rocks::rocks: If you ask me I'm the luckiest dude on earth
But, to show you the road you sometimes have to travel to get to mrs. right: the girl before my current (and LAST GF) was completely selfish and too consumed with money and what other people thought. The one before that one was screwed up in the head and was pathetically still trying to get over her ex (come on, after more than a year, its time to move). Throw on top of that countless girls that weren't aweful, but definitely weren't mrs. right---trust me, it took plenty of pop-ups before I hit the homerun....
Finally, you need to come to the next bimmer meet in NJ, I'll have my GF bring some of her cute friends for you, seriously