Thread: Watch pros
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      09-02-2011, 10:59 PM   #11

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Originally Posted by JustMe View Post
Meh at blowing cash on something that isn't needed anymore.

Unless you actually see a watch you really want or you: (lol) need to fit in with associates who will judge you for not wearing a watch I wouldn't bother.

I think a watch should be a gift or overseas memoir purchase or something I dunno.
I suspect you don't explicitly need more than a base Nissan Versa (or the like) to drive from place to place. Watches, for many, are much like cars. Many (maybe most?) don't have any idea why you would spend what you do on them, because to them, they're just items, or appliances. They serve a strict purpose, and that's it. My phone tells much more accurate time than my watch, and I could drive a much cheaper and economical car. But as a car person, you know that it's not that it gets the job done, it's how it gets the job done. It's how it drives, turns, brakes, accelerates, etc. Watches are similar to this. It's how it feels. It's the substance of it. It's the way you can see the movement through the back of the case. It's something that doesn't and shouldn't be purely "rational" (to misuse the term as I know it) and the fact that someone has a nice one that they appreciate, that you may not understand or purchase yourself, does not mean that they shouldn't have purchased it.
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