Originally Posted by 0asis
1. i have no opinions of my own, please help me choose my colour, accessories, and method of payment.
2. i find it much quicker to post my mechanical problems here. wait 4 hours for a response vs contacting my dealer's service dept by using the archaic telephone.
3. i thought you should know i have low self esteem and decided to race anything on wheels regardless of make or model just to prove the size of my penis.
4. i just beat a Ferrari/Lamborghini/M5/M6/Porsche/Aston Martin/McLaren/F-22 Raptor. I'm such a stud.
5. i'm 16 and i know i live a life of priviledge because daddy just bought me an e9x with blank, blah and etc. i'm posting not to boast but just to show off i'm taking it all in stride. I'm gonna get so laid so fast it'll make everyone's head spin.

no i didn't read. i was too busy racing a McLaren SLR to a 4-way stop.