Originally Posted by The1
I'm interested in your opinions of the "occupy wall street" people 
Heh, a bit OT, but I'm behind those ... and read this carefully ... WHO ACTUALLY ARE STILL THERE TO FIGHT FOR THE CAUSE (not the "fuck rich people let's get high as fuck" cause). As usual, human nature and fucksticks have ruined the message for everyone, giving the media everything they need on a silver platter to make them look like idiots. Knifing cops, raping others, doing drugs and loitering because they think it's just the cool thing to do.... Raging against the rich instead of raging against the broken system.... I could go on, but that about summarizes it. I'm for the Occupy movement, but I believe a lot of the occupy protesters don't have any fucking clue what it's about, or are completely skewed as to what it's about. The movement needs to start policing its own and stop giving up quality for sheer quantity.