I heard from a pretty reliable source that Nostradamus's friends on the "Horse & Carts" forum goaded him into going through with the "great prediction prank" of 1555.
Seeing how people so willingly connect the dots from 450 year old writings to actual events i plan on writing my own scary, haphazard list of predictions.
I'll start now:
36 days after the new year. A great battle viewed by many. One side, men cut down at the knee. Clear blue, gray & silver. Numbers from 4 to 99. One winner after 60x1. Champion a new, brothers equal no more, one returned his crown from years before. All quite now until the 8 full moon passes. Then again battles rage.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
