That's the opposing view of how I think relationships should work. I think you're headed for a very bad breakup if you dont' take the time to be freinds and get to know the person that at some point you might end up dating/being w/. I've had countless freinds that would go out, meet someone one night, get into a relationship w/ them the next week and a month or so later would have the worst breakup. We live in a society that likes to rush things, and people are most def. something you can't rush, you have to take the time to learn the other person, their habits, etc., because all of that is what's going to be in the relationship. Unfortunately this is the most simple stuff that most 20+ year olds and younger just don't get. Only by mid twenties do MOST girls seem to mellow out and get the hint that it is indeed not all about them, but then again, by that time they're no longer girls.