Originally Posted by accordingi2ime
I looked in to hiring an attorney and it looks like paying the ticket and doing traffic school online will cost about same as hiring an attorney. So, I will pay the ticket and go to traffic school this time... For next time (hopefully never), I will hire an attorney.
Thanks for all the input.
Now I am looking in to getting a radar detector. Didn't feel a need to get one but now... I think I should get one.
Yep like I said if 15 and under the cost will be about the same, it more how you value your time because end result if Lawyer or Traffic school no ticket on record. A lot of counties in CA do not allow on line school, the attorney or actually in reality a representative of the attorney will file the motion and appear, they often have one person appear for mutiple cases on the courts docket.
CA 41 and 46 are pretty regular speed areas, where they gain and lose elevation thru the foothills to the coast they often sit and wait. If CAHP they use laser, a radar detector wont be very effective in CA as lots of jurisdictions use laser now and an experienced traffic cop will always beat a detector if they want to write tickets that day.