Originally Posted by shah269
WOW you want me to work!
I live dangerously! Half the fun is bitching about how bad the date was and how fat her ass was!
I mean shit if i knew she was fat i would not have gone out and noticed where we went was a meet market on Friday evenings!
So guess where this dog is going next friday? Oh yeah new Sushi hang out to have some Miso soup!
But nope you are 100% right, stop danding and high fiving your self!
If she is "average" and the "average" American is a TANK ASS then well i guess she was not lying!
Which means I should change my profile to read "Ripped like motherfucking Chuck Noris!"
lol.. I'd still skype just to make sure shes not a serial killer or something and at least you'd know what she looks like. Photos can be enhanced lol