Originally Posted by CamelBiscuit
I was listening to a radio station in Tucson one time and to make a long story short the lady said she was dating this guy for six years and he had no idea she was born a man. So the question I have was if he could not tell for six years than how many one night stands do you think you had with a woman that once maybe had a penis bigger than yours? So does it even change anything for a picture first?
That's because we've lost the ability to know what's biologically attractive. I'm hella turned off by chicks with a insanely strong jawline and flat waistine (bad waist-hip ratio) but if you actually go out in the real world, there are dumb men fawning over lousy shit, ignoring important biological cues of feminine health. And why? To a certain extent, dysgenics. The "average" women doesn't lose weight because she'll still get fucked, no problem. That's how sad we are, female sexual selection has gotten to a point where it's detrimental to the quality of kids we're having. Don't even get me started on plastic surgery. Severely altering imperfections and then having rubbish kids...