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      07-26-2012, 07:00 AM   #3
6 of Diamonds (ret)
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Drives: 2011 E93 335is
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Originally Posted by BMWcoupe335ii View Post
Im currently a sous chef and I'm just burnt out on the restaurant industry and looking for a careers switch. This is all I've been doing since I was 17 (I'm 21 now). My question is if anyone here was a chef and made a switch what career did you switch too.
Military about 32 years ago.
If you have been cooking full time for the past 3 years you probably have a good work ethic. If you have a HS diploma you can ask for whatever you are smart enough (test wise) to master before you go in. Even the military is getting pickier, they want that HS Dip. You just have to suck up the discipline thing COMMIT to the service, be competitive and you'll do well. Even if 20-30 years is not for you, you can get some breathing room to decide what you want to do. You need to figure out what it is you love to do, then learn to do it better than anyone. Military, believe it or not, helps with that.
If you like to fix things, they have Tech repair skills like electronics, computers, mechanics, etc. Thats what I did. If you look at the military like its a challenge, everyday, you have little problem.
And you know the deal, yeah that part that gets signed in Blood. You give them the opportunity to put you in harm's way. But you dont go alone, and you would be floored at the people you meet along the way.

The video may be Hollywood but its no joke. Met some seals once in Saudi Arabia; serious folks. They live where most of the military visits occasionally.

If the thought of living in foriegn countries, learning new things constantly, competing against yourself and your buddies, and doing some hairy things appeals to you.......
I cooked/sous chef/saucier for 3 years before I went in. It was that or go to the offshore rigs off Louisiana. College didnt work for me then. Now have 2 degrees and more experience than a lot of people get in 50 years. Did 20 years for the Corps to the day, and took 20 seconds to watch the door shut when I left.
Got out 10 years ago. Pull down about 100k a year now. Still do things no one else wants to do, but I get paid well to do it. But now I'm the one who figures out how to do things that others do.
Nope I'm not a recruiter, Im about as far from it as you could get. During my 20 I got to be a Drill Instructor for a few years. No BS, get what you want, in writing, before you sign your name, cause thats all you will get. And if you are really putting out you will pay for everything you get in sweat only, if you pay attention and have a little luck.

I was you 32 years ago - good luck what ever you decide to do.
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Couple E30 Verts (DD)
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