Thread: Nokia Lumia 920
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      09-06-2012, 12:27 PM   #9

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Originally Posted by slowturbo View Post
I also think it is a very nice looking phone. Havent played with the new windows OS or the tile home screen so I am not yet sure how much I will like it. That aside, I am not as concerned with the apps because I see how quickly those spheres got developed for both apple and droid. ANy idea when it will be in stores?
There hasn't been an official announcement. Tho it's pretty safe bet October 26th. Win8, Win8 R/T, and WP8 are scheduled to release Oct 26th and Microsoft and Nokia worked vey closely on the Lumia 920/820. As the flagship phone to showcase WP8 you can assume that it will release along side the OS.

There is a Wired article about the head of Nokia's Design studio that talks about the design on the phone and also just how closely Microsoft and Nokia worked on the phone. All the way down to Microsoft matched the OS colors exactly to colors of the hardware and made sure everything worked. Very interesting article in general if your interested:
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