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      11-09-2012, 04:41 PM   #148

Drives: 2008 E92 335i
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Irvine, CA

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Originally Posted by MediaArtist View Post
Yes, FHA has an upfront fee (a percentage of the overall loan), and a monthly insurance fee until you reach 20% I believe.

It's supposed to be a buffer as it supposedly adds to FHA reserves in case of default. That reserve in July when 48laws gave his horrible advice was around 1% (of total liabilities). Now it's even less than that, and FHA is going to need a public, tax payer, subsidized bailout.

Of course I predicted this in July 2012, and guys like 48laws were quick to point out that the mortgage insurance would save FHA as a "buffer", as you can see, he was horribly wrong.

But I guess we all have to pay for it since guys like 48laws who thought 3.5% down was a smart mortgage decision are now dumping their bad financial decision on all of us. Go USA!
Good thing I didn't go FHA then.
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