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      01-16-2013, 01:57 PM   #1
piggy in the mirror

Drives: 2013 6MT 135i
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Sydney, Australia

iTrader: (0)

R.I.P US liberties

Having just seen Obama give his speech regarding the band of semi auto's, as someone from Australia I can confirm its the beginning of the end to your right to bear arms. Same thing happened in Australia in 1996 and let me tell you it just gets more restrictive year after year until they fullfil their ultimate goal, that is to disarm the entire population.
I know where this is heading coz I've seen it, so be prepered to have a police state in the near future fellow conrads.
135i Coupe N55 PPK+JB4
X3 30d LCI
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