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      02-12-2013, 11:15 AM   #13

Drives: '08 135i, '88 325is
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Denver, CO

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1988 BMW 325is  [0.00]
2008 BMW 135i  [0.00]
Haha, a friend of mine recently mentioned this as well. KingofJericho is right though, music videos are just as popular if not more so now compared to when they still were on MTV. It's a combination of people wanting the instant gratification of watching a video at anytime, and the ability of artists to get their videos/music out there for the public to see which may not have happened with MTV previously. I also don't think the local DJ is completely extinct yet. There is a morning show on a local station in my area that I listen to all the time because of the hilarity they add to my morning drive.
Delivered in Munich, broken in on the Nurburgring.
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