There are always hidden costs with brokers, think about it, they have to make money somehow, they are not doing it out of the kindness of their heart. They either get a finders fee from the insurance company or they get a % cost of your insurance for some period of time. So will they get you the best insurance or the best one for their pocket book.
I am not sure what state you live in but in PA Real Estates Agents and Companies are not allow to refer you to brokers or loan companies or home inspectors. The only thing they can do is provide you a complete list of who all can do these servers in you local area. If your Agent is referring you, to one particular person what are they getting out of the deal.
You will not get the best rate unless you bundle everything together. Most of the big company had all sorts of discounts for tying all your insurance together. This is the best way to go.
Even if you not happen with your current car insurance and need something fast it maybe worth just going with them for the time being they maybe able to do a deal with the house and car now. I am assuming your mortgage is requiring you to escrow the insurance payment thus they are requiring you to have insurance ahead of time so that can be done.