Hi, Sorry to ask questions for my first post! I've recently purchased my first BMW, a 2006 59k miler 335D E91! Torque monster!
I need to get myself sorted with a fault code reader, I've researched a bit and it seems some of the good providers have shut down. What is the current best option? I like the idea of a laptop connection, I have similar for another car and it worked well.
I've seen
http://www.bcables.com/ but read lots of bad feedback about setting it up online. I'll be putting it on a Windows 7 64bit laptop.
Also the car did something weird when I last drove it. I had DTC enabled for some we weather sliding fun and I pulled over. When I restarted the car it threw up the full Traction control fully off warning and it would not allow me to put it back to full DSC or DTC. After stopping/starting the car a few times it showed Error CC-ID 71. Which I believe after some research is a rear brake pad sensor error.
The pads have atleast half their life left. I tried to reset the service interval for the pads but if I hold down the BC button when at the rear brake servuce menu it does not seem to allow a reset. Interestingly the front brake service interval is also showing blank.
So I suspect it does need a new rear sensor. Any further ideas?