Originally Posted by John 070
That's not true at all, imho the "average" working stiff is only at 40k. And yes, they can lease cars and keep up appearances.
70k opens up even more opportunities, but you're not going to be driving a BMW that costs 52k for a 4 cyl.
I think what's going on here is forum members are probably below average given the demographics that BMW puts out on who drives their vehicles, and for some reason, in denial and/or resent the facts.
My dentist graduated from an Ivy League dental school--her car is an Acura TL. look up an average dentist's salary on salary.com, she's not "upper class," yet her income is likely 3X that figure you threw out. Those who have money don't tend to have the need to show off. Two of our doctor friends drive Accords and claim they can't afford a BMW. Afford, in that they are saving for this that and the other thing.
very true.
To me, i feel everyone should do whatever they want to do with their money. If you make $40k/yr and want to blow it off on a $52k car or on hookers please feel free.
There is no right or wrong way to spend the money that you worked for. You have to be happy today-now-this very moment. I encourage people to save for future but still enjoy your life today.
I hate seeing people who make/have a lot of $$$ yet they live a very poor life because they are saving for "retirement" or saving for "their kids future".
Thats good and all but, i will not be saving A LOT of money for my kids future... yeah that sounds harsh but, i'd rather enjoy my life now and spend some on my kids. If i'm lucky enough to have a lot of money, i will save more for my kids future... but i will never discomfort myself in order to save for another persons future, except for my retirement.
I've seen a lot of people who over worked themselves and lived a very conservative life so they can save for the "future generation" now those people are sick and living a very poor life, while their so called "future generation" i squandering that money like there's no tomorrow.