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      05-23-2014, 09:12 AM   #144
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Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
I agree with these points as well. We all bust our asses to earn money, but become neurotic about spending it citing [insert reason here]. We temper our experiences (, material experiences, hell....even food) when we do that, and we find ourselves saying, "I coulda, shoulda, woulda..." when we realize that life has passed us by, and we're too damn old to do anything with that stash we've horded. Fuck it, you can't take it with you.......spend a little and enjoy yourselves.
Reminds me of my father in law. Always talked about taking that Alaskan cruise but never wanted to spend the money. 5 years later my mother in law finally convinced him to go on that cruise.

He passed away a couple of years ago. The cruise tickets are still sitting on the kitchen table. Very sad.
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