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      06-01-2014, 06:34 PM   #242

Drives: 06 330xi (TRADED IN)
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Baconville, BN

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Personally... Not really, but it's what she does with her income that counts and her overall expectations of you if she wins more bread than you, as well as how she views and talks about you that counts.

If she earns $100 but spends $99 on unnecessary things and I'm bearing the brunt of her expenses, I have a problem.

Not that she does make more than me, but if she actually made more and tries to pull some BS like "the man should more than a woman" mindset, as in we split the rent and utilities 70/30, food is almost always me, had me pay for her parking ticket and wants extravagant gifts (e.g. she wanted a Louis Vuitton purse for Christmas and $100 perfume for V-day when all I got was a shirt from Kohl's for Christmas and not even a BJ for V-Day), I have a HUGE problem, especially if at one point, the job I had wasn't even paying me worth jack.

If I was in the "her out-earning me" situation, I do have a problem if she talks trash about me... Like I got a guilty conscience and quit a sales job that used fraudulent techniques, and frantically looked for work daily, but she still told her coworkers that I was "mooching off her" and "I sit around the house and sleep all day" and talking to them as if we were destitute and I was unemployed for 5 months and playing COD all day when 1. I still did odds and ends like posting ads for repairing computers on Craigslist and made up the difference with rainy day funds without asking for one red cent, 2. I'm usually up by 8AM rain or shine and almost never take naps, and 3. I wound up finding a new job within a week. I actually made my 2nd split up attempt right then and there, but got back together 3 days later.
Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
NEFARIOUS would totally rock the dreads if he could.
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