Originally Posted by E90SLAM
Hell, Mercedes PR could even use this opportunity to tell the public that they are a "racing team".
"We allowed our drivers to race, this is the risk we are taking. However, having said that, both cars colliding each other was unacceptable. We will talk to both nico and lewis and remind them they are allowed to race but team result comes first."
Something like that.
just saying~ 
I agree! They could have spun this much more toward their benefit very easily. I'm also surprised at Nico Rosberg's handling of the situation. Why not just say the right things? It's so simple.
I think Lewis won the PR battle on this front and comes out the winner but that doesn't necessarily mean he will be world champion. Sometimes you have to be a "bastard" and do some unpopular things throughout the course of a season to win the title.