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      11-26-2014, 05:53 AM   #50

Drives: The E90 + Z4 Coupe & Z3 R'ster
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Summum Choragium

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Originally Posted by matbl View Post
Smoke stacks? Smart countries produce their electricity in other ways...
In the USA, the majority of electricity is produced by coal and natural gas. Coal and natural gas are carbon-based fuels. Burning carbon-based fuels produces carbon-based exhaust by-products such as CO2. Producing electricity using carbon-based fuels moves the production of carbon-based exhaust by-products from the tail pipe of a car (EVs don't have an exhaust pipe) to the exhaust pipes of the coal and natural gas electrical generation plants; smoke stacks are slang for electrical generation plants exhaust pipes.

Generally cities do not have electrical generation plants in their city-centers where public transportation is operated (or EVs are driven). In other words, it is a false positive that EVs don't create air pollution; it is just created somewhere else.

Smart countries that aren't full of a bunch of liberals could safely produce electricity by nuclear power without any air pollution. But that's a different Forum...

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