Originally Posted by matbl
I think you have to measure it by GDP per capita to be able to compare...
Norway is a perfect example of such a country. They more or less only have hydro power and a GDP per capita of ~$65000 (place 6 in the world) (2013 according to world bank numbers). US has ~$53000 (place 10).
Another example would be Sweden (where I live) which have more or less only hydro, nuclear and some wind (and some imported hydro power from norway). GDP per capita (2013) ~$43000 (place 14 in the world).
BTW. Norway also happens to have the most Teslas per capita...
Measuring GDP per capita deflects from the point I am making where energy is required for production and growth. Sure countries with GDP in the <$600,000,000,000 range like Sweden and Norway might be able to rely on the weather to generate much of their power, but we here in the USA we produce WAY more ($16,800,000,000,000 in 2013) than those countries. Solar panels and windmills just aren't close to being able to keep up with our productivity yet.