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      11-30-2014, 10:10 AM   #83

Drives: The E90 + Z4 Coupe & Z3 R'ster
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Summum Choragium

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Originally Posted by AndreyATC View Post
Last time I checked, it takes 5 min just to pump gas into the car
That's excluding paying, driving to station and sometimes, wait in line or attendant to service your car (NJ has that mandatory)
You are extremely lucky to spend so little time
Though my guess will be you put at least 30min weekly just to pump gas
Multiply that by 52 weeks and we are talking good time of your life in gas stations.
Not to mention bad weather and all the fumes you inhale in the process
Tesla owner spends roughly 2-3 sec a day to plug. And leaves the house always filled up.
For those occasional trips, which cost nothing to refuel owner can use a little longer break at the rest area when the car is charging.
Dude, I drive 800 miles a week to work. I fill up two times one week, then 3 times the next week (i.e. every two days). I fill up at an Exxon station using a card at the pump. I don't go inside the station to pay. The station is at an intersection I pass through every day. I don't make a special trip to the gas station, I don't sit in a gas line, the station has 12 pumps so I never wait for a pump. I spend 5 minutes pumping gas, maybe 6 max. The station has a roof over the pump area. Yup it gets cold, but I'm not a pussy and can stand in the cold for a few minutes, or get back in my car with the REST heat on. I've been smelling gas fumes for 50+ years and I'm not dead yet. LOL. Stop making crap up that it takes less time to refuel a Tesla, it doesn't. This is a completely STUPID and IDIOTIC argument. If I paid someone to go fill up my car does that mean it takes ME zero minutes to fill up?

And as far as spending my time at the gas station, I use that time to inspect the car, under the hood, and tires, which any good driver should do.

And just to make this discussion REALLY stupid, if I owned a Tesla (and I've looked into it in a very detailed fashion - it would cost me $17,000/year to own and operate one), it would take me and extra 5 minutes a day to fill up the Tesla. The closest place on my property that I could charge up the Tesla is my garage, which is a 3-minute walk from the house, so that's about 5 minutes a day I'd spend walking over and back to the car (it takes me 45 seconds to walk to my E90). The walk to the garage is not covered, so when it rains, I'd get soaking wet (let alone stand out in the rain plugging the car in - I keep my tractor in the garage). So owning and refueling a Tesla for me actually takes more time out of my life than refueling my E90 (if you count the time it takes me to walk over and back from the garage...); 25 minutes vs. 10 at the gas station every week.

Get it now?


Last edited by Efthreeoh; 11-30-2014 at 08:47 PM..
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