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      11-30-2014, 08:48 PM   #84
AndreyATC's Avatar

Drives: 2016 Tesla Model X P90DL
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Near NYC

iTrader: (2)

Garage List
Electric is not for you then
Great design to have your garage on 3-min-walking distance

Mine is right under my house
I enjoy not having a cold-start fumes filling my home when I leave
I enjoy not having to drive 5 miles to the nearest gas station, which is opposite way from my commute
I just enjoy having great technology
I'm also happy BMW is going forward with i-series
Where did you pull your 17k/year estimate?
Is it your behind perhaps

P.S. Just so we are clear. I didn't say it takes less time to fill up, it just takes zero personal time for me
For those trips, I can live with 30-60 min lunch breaks on supercharger 2-3 times a year, while pulling free electrons

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