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      06-22-2015, 09:58 AM   #8
Know's a guy that know's a guy...
ASBSECU E93's Avatar

Drives: 2010 335d; 2008 135i
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow

iTrader: (5)

A young couple waited until marriage to be intimate...Finally, the night of the honeymoon arrives.

As the man starts to remove his shirt - the new bride gasps...what is wrong with your back?

As a child I had the "Bumps" he explains - similar to the "Mumps" but different, it left me with all these bumps on my back.

As he then starts to remove his pants - again the new wife gasps. What is wrong your legs??

As a child I had the "Kneeseales" - similar to the 'Measles" but different. It left me with all the knots and scars on my legs.

Lastly - he removes the underwear and the new wife starts to laugh hysterically!

I GET IT- as a child you had "Smallcocks"
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
She stood there. Pointed a finger at me and laughed at me. That damn bitch.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
Poop shit, shit and poop. I'm mildly angry now.
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