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      07-10-2015, 03:33 PM   #11102
Know's a guy that know's a guy...
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Originally Posted by Mr.SugarSkulls View Post
You know what's weird? (This is in no way an insinuation towards your wife)

Ive hooked up with a 6 ft blonde. Only 1 I've ever hooked up with a girl taller than me.

Jesus Christ she was an animal. You know how they say "spinners" are more fun cause you can throw them around? So not true, this girl was ROUGH.

But being the dick that I am, after a few times we hooked up, I ignored her calls, assuming she'd still be around whenever.

She became a born again Christian/ married and missed my window.

....but man, did she revive my love as a child for climbing trees
Make no mistake - my girl can help me move furniture when necessary.

She is amazing in sweats and t-shirt or cocktail gown.

FWIW - I have dated 5' tall women, and actually a woman that was taller than me. If you're doing it right - they are all animals in the sack
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