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      10-03-2015, 05:08 PM   #30

Drives: '08 135/ '11 1M
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: at Death Valley 127

iTrader: (1)

If the 5-door will be a mini 3/5GT then my vote is for a 4-door GC. Ive been waiting for a 2GC.

If the 5-door is more like the 5-door E87, I wouldnt mind a 5-door and would buy that.

To me one (E87) is a hatch and the other (3/5GT) is a station wagon. I would NOT buy a 2GT if it is a mini 3/5GT.

The 4GC to me is like a 5-door not a 4-door as is the 6GC. Id buy the 6 but never the 4.

Id want a true 4-door 2GC and I would buy the M2GC no doubt!
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