Thread: Pay it forward
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      11-12-2015, 03:31 PM   #3
Major General
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Drives: ///M235i
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Bay Area

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Hmm. When I was in Vietnam first week of December, my buddy and I ate at a little shop inside a straw market place. There were 3 monks eating at a table across from us. Being raised a Buddhist and feeling blessed thus far in life, I paid for their meal without telling them.

Some years back I was eating at a local Korean restaurant and there was a group of 3-4 marines eating at a table across the room. I was feeling appreciative of their services so I paid for their meal. When they went to pay the owner told them that I had covered for their meal, they went to their car, grabbed a bunch of US Army stuff and gave them to me and thanked me. I just said "no, thank YOU for your service." The owner thought it was really cool as well and commended me for it. One time I came in right before they closed (unaware of it) and he stayed open late to accommodate me (he remembered and brought up that other time).
Appreciate 4