Originally Posted by Mr Tonka
I typically don't comment on these types of issues. I would love to see a world where people of all nations peacefully coexist with each other. But that's not the reality we live in. Because of that, I'm personally against bringing any muslim refuges to North America.
I see a very small portion of everyday muslim life while getting a disproportional amount of everyday life for the muslim extremist. But often times perception becomes reality. If every terrorist attack we see in the news was perpetrated by Inuit tribesmen and every public beheading was perpetrated by Inuit tribesmen and every public execution was perpetrated by Inuit tribesmen and every time the person lighting the match to burn someone alive in a cage was an Inuit tribesmen, like it or not, we'd all develop a mistrust of Inuit tribesmen. That's just human nature, but when you couple that with the known intent of the muslim minority extremest, which is to destroy western civilization. I'd just prefer we play it as better safe than sorry at this point in time. BTW, the muslim extremist "minority" currently is upwards of 157,000,000 (almost half the US population) We can do a lot to help their situation in their own country. I don't think bringing them here is necessary.
There is a long video floating around on social media about muslim refuges. The video most certainly has propaganda within it and i'm almost certain not all of the video clips used are of muslim refuges. But on the other hand, i don't really doubt the actual claim of the video. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, but in order to open peoples eyes and gain interest it's been sensationalized.
Edit: Just found it on a FAR right wing nut site. But i still don't necessarily refute the overall message. I'm all for helping those in need, domestic and internationally, INCLUDING muslim refuges, but not in North America, not in this current political world climate. It seems that almost all people and religions can coexist together except for one, one that cant seem to peacefully coexist with any other. I also believe there is a lot to be said about the difference between a muslim person and muslim people. Much in the same way that a person with bigoted tendencies can be reasoned with, but people with bigoted tendencies, not so much.
Again, don't judge me for the video!  It's just information, process it as you see fit.
That video showed me a world I had no idea existed...true eye opener.
Thanks for sharing!