Originally Posted by Needbmwpartzz
Curious to heard thoughts/opinions/concerns and rants on this?
Canadian also chime in if you feel.
I certainly don't think this is a smooth move.....sure we loved to be thought of as a humanitarian country but I think we should help in any way we can from here without taking them in(why will no one closer take them?)
Help them with money/food shelter and help them establish a more stable form of gov't but to just totally transplant them into our culture would be a mistake IMHO.
Into your culture? Excuse my ignorance but what is exactly your culture? And why do you want an American point of view on this decision?
We just got rid of Harper for a reason. If majority of Canadians wanted an American point of view, Harper would still be in office!!
I'm not gonna get into the whole immigrants issues in Canada, that'd be for another day, but the question you posted is just hair raising...