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      11-16-2015, 09:41 PM   #43
Lieutenant Colonel
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I'll say one thing, the Republicans in the US are going about it all wrong. Using their religion to halt them from coming in is stupid and will likely fail. Use the statistics, their history, the area they are coming from, pretty much any other excuse, just not their religion. This is America, after all. Also, they can put anything about their religion down on a piece of paper, who knows what the truth is. Most of these people don't have a "background" that can be screened. What are we going to do, waterboard every one of them that comes over here?

I'll be honest, I don't think we (the US) or our friends up north are going to be able to stop this for long, if at all. I see a lot of posts on social media about how these terrorists are living in the stone age and they are idiots, etc... Nope. ISIS and their supporters are smart as hell and they adapt to almost anything. I mean we can talk about percentages all we want... it only took eight assholes to do what they did in Paris. I don't know any government that is so good that they won't screw up at least 10 times out of 25000 (0.04% error), especially not the US.

You can be sure, some are going to slip through the cracks and there's nothing we, as people, can do about it except be prepared. The government has already made their choice without our input. Say I'm crazy, or whatever, that's fine. I'm telling you it's coming, I just know it... These extremists hate us, our lifestyles, and our freedoms and they'll give up their lives to take those things away from us. You can't reason with that, you can't "coexist" with that.
'11 BMW E92 ///M3 - ZCP and DCT
'15 Ford F-250 - Lariat, 6.7 Powerstroke Turbo-diesel
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