Originally Posted by EL Jeffe 5
I remember it was like yesterday I was done with workout then I was headed to chipotle for burrito. I started thinking did I bring my headphones from the locker room. I checked my backpack I sure did forget to put them in my backpack. I called Gold they said somebody turned them in they told me they will hold them until next day.
I started to walk and there it was I can see it I can smell it but I cant taste it yet.
I walk in I was greeted by smiling older gentlemen with kickass mustachios.
there was on front of me older lady with walker getting her tacos I think I cant recall if it was chicken or beef. soon she was finished then it was my turn.
Mr. Mustache asked me for here or to go I just smiled and said let make mom proud.
He knew what I was talking about he grabbed bowl to go.
Then it all started brown rice, pinto beans, extra chicken, fajita, extra pico, mild salsa, sour cream, and lots of cheese. At this point Mr. Mustache is having hard time keeping lid on because this was no ordinary burrito it was mountain of goodness.
I stared approaching register there was maybe 16 year old Guy looking like he might be in the boy band. I started thinking how much is this going to cost me $6.25 maybe $8.75 because of the extra meat at this point I just don't know. I asked how much he just said that young lady before you she took care of it. I stared thinking she didn't look that young but I was hungry I couldn't tell write from wrong young form old.
I never got to see her face I still sometimes wake up in middle of the night thinking who she is why did she do that what did I do to deserve such treat.
yeah it was chicken
sorry for any misspelling and grammar errors
Extra meat for $2.50? Does it seem like a good value?