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      01-16-2016, 12:54 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by PoorLurker View Post
Never understood when people don't realize that cars that cost three times as much will have repairs bills three times as much.

Assume $60k loan. Person A is paying $1,000/mo
Assume $20k loan. Person B is paying $333/mo

Person B pays $40 for an oil change. Person A pays $120 for an oil change.
A synthetic oil change on a 2.0L Turbo Car that cost $20k is the no diff than a synthetic oil change on a $45k car so im not sure I get your logic.

5qts of oil = 5qts of oil anyway you slice it.

People are talking reliability not cost of repairs, Cost of repairs isnt much more across all brands at the dealer were talking how much stuff goes wrong where it needs to goto the dealer.
95 E36 325i Vert 5MT
92 Sentra SE-R SR20DE
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