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      01-26-2016, 09:23 PM   #437
Know's a guy that know's a guy...
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Originally Posted by Biorin View Post
My best friend from high school. One of those relationships where you could not talk for two years and pick up right where you left off.

Charismatic, creative, challenging, criminal, captivating, cunty.

Without using Google... Manhattan is roughly 13 avenues wide and what, 150 streets long? That's 1,950 blocks. Let's assume that each block has buildings an average of 10 storeys high, with... 75 windows per storey. That's 1,462,500 windows, which seems too low. We'll go with it for now.

I could try and calculate the actual washing time of each window (maybe 30 seconds) coupled with transition time between windows and setup of equipment for each side, then estimate an hourly rate for the workers, plus administrative fees, profit, equipment... but I got lazy and used Google and it seems like the going rate is about $14/window (my lord that is pricey). However, seeing as you're not just paying that for one building, there are going to be costs of travel time between blocks, setting up equipment again, etc., so let's bump it to about $18/window. There would probably have to be some sort of "wholesale" discount, so maybe $16.75/window.

That's $24,496,875. Make it an even $25m. I guess that's what I'd charge. I'm sure I've omitted something crucial. I wonder if at that point it would be more cost-effective to invest in a new technology that would allow you to wash skyscrapers more efficiently if you're going to be doing them all... wash a whole side at once nearly...? why you are my BP soulmate
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
She stood there. Pointed a finger at me and laughed at me. That damn bitch.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
Poop shit, shit and poop. I'm mildly angry now.
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