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      02-15-2016, 08:10 PM   #73
Private First Class

Drives: 3 Germans
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: USA

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Originally Posted by nyalpine90 View Post
here is my point of view:

these delinquent teenagers need to be taught a lesson. You want something, get a job and pay for it. Looking to rob people at gunpoint for jewelry, sneakers or jackets or whatever item must deal with consequences. No1 deserves to die over an item. The kid survive the incident. Now he wont get picked to play basketball with runover jordans lol.

would it been different if he tried carjacking an expensive car, and got ran over?

not every1 will sit back and let scumbag run away with their possessions.
A high school friend of mine worked about 20 hours a week in his parents' store, mostly in the later evening hours and would frequently lock up. One night he was held up at gunpoint while closing. The robber literally put the gun barrel against his nose, between his eyes while holding his finger on the trigger. Reading more about this current case it does appear the victim went too far but as far as I'm concerned, in general, when someone points a gun at you all bets are off. Nothing is off the table when it comes to neutralizing this kind of threat.
Appreciate 1