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      02-15-2016, 11:46 PM   #80
Brigadier General

Drives: 2013 135i
Join Date: Feb 2014
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Originally Posted by hongsc View Post
I think Jordan Brand should take some blame with their ridiculous prices. Jordan 4 that released this weekend was $220. Just Don Jordan 2 Beach was $650. Jordan 1 Pinnacle were $400 etc. Prices are getting insane for Jordans. It's to the point, where most kids can't afford this stuff and they do stupid things to get these kicks as a status symbol, post on social media etc. I couldn't buy Jordans until I had job in high school. It's sad in America, people feel entitled to get things one way or another instead of earning it the honest way by working for it.
No. What's sad is how much of American Society places so much emphasis on items like this.
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