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      02-16-2016, 05:48 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by hongsc
Originally Posted by RickFLM4 View Post
Your first and last sentences seem to contradict each other a bit.
That's why I said Jordan Brand deserves some of the blame. Ultimately the teen made a dumb and dangerous decision because he wanted it. The driver did the same and he's probably going to be in a lot of trouble for it.
I find it contradictory to cite the brand as bearing some responsibility and then cite the sense of entitlement present in the population. Are you saying brands / companies shouldn't design or manufacture products people find desirable unless everyone can afford them because people justifiably have a sense of entitlement? I disagree the brand bears any responsibility for a kid that decided to rob something at gunpoint or the seller that decided to rip the kids arm off after the robbery. They are the only two people responsible for their respective actions.
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