Originally Posted by Navy Doc
Unfortunate incident. I agree that the kid is a scumbag POS and deserves to be punished............... but to the extent of losing his arm. Seems steep.
Phil, on the other hand is in for a long ride along with his family. His "self defense" defense unfortunately probably won't hold up. You can clearly see in the video that the immediate threat had past. Now he will go to court. Spend thousands of dollars. His family will suffer. He will suffer. If convicted will probably spend some time in prison and have a felony record.
Can't see any good outcome from any of it.
I don't get how the kid is not an immediate threat. At any point, if Phil chose to tale him all the way where ever this kid would stop, the could have fired the gun at him. I see an immediate threat at any point of this incident up until the cops would have arrested the kid.
How is everyone looking past the fact that this kid had a gun that was not legally his.
Let us start trial with prosecuting the kid for attempted first degree murder.
The kid more than likely had all intentions of bringing the gun with him to buy those pairs of shoes. He obviously didn't think of taking the gun last second. That's attempted murder. Running over the kid was self-defense.