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      02-20-2016, 11:53 PM   #7
bimmerphile, technogeek
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Originally Posted by Wrecker335d View Post
Anyone here an engineer? I intend to switch schools/majors to Electronics Engineering (not for the money, I actually enjoy electronic circuits) in the fall semester and want to know if anyone has any tips they'd like to provide. Things like what I should focus on, when or if I should do internships; things like that. Essentially, if you could tell your college self what you should have done differently to make yourself a better engineer, I want to hear it. Thanks.
BSEE here.

A degree really helps getting you in the door, but after that experience goes a long, long way. Take as many lab courses as you can. Lots of hands-on experience (designing, building, testing, etc.) really helps as well as job versatility. If you enjoy building circuits and other do-it-yourself stuff at home, I think that's a big plus when looking for a job.
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