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      02-21-2016, 07:42 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Em135eye View Post
They are still far better than the other two so I don't care.
If anything I'd rather see less "execs" driving badly in base model 3 series, thinking they own the road.
BMWs are about 6/8 cylinders, RWD and driving fun.
Audis are mostly FWD and with the engine well in front of the front axle.
Mercedes are about fussy interiors and pointless bling.
Unfortunately, BMW has always been the underdog (IMO) they have the slowest cars out of the 3 main german tri-force, and the most aged interior.

Now, BMW gets made fun of, for fake interior engine noise or routing engine sounds through the speakers.

Even tuning a BMW nowadays requires alot of things to be changed (for example, chargepipes.) while other vehicles such as Mercedes and Audi just need a tune or pulley and they hit 11 sec 1/4 mile time easily.

But the new 40i is promising for tuning, only time will tell if BMW will rise back up to the top, but for the moment, they are at the bottom of the table.

....Oh, and the drivers seem to get worst and worst. (Not any of you, you guys are all awesome )
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