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      02-22-2016, 11:02 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by tcpsoft
Double honorary PhD in Sanitation Engineering here....

I work in a data engineering group, but I know several guys, all at least MS and PhD EE grads, designing and testing mobile chips for a large telecom. I chat with a few of them at lunch on occasion and at the annual Christmas party and I have a tremendous amount of respect for what they do. They say there's definitely a shortage of new engineers wanting to do IC design in the US and they seem to always be looking for talent. Good $$ if you get into it.

PM me your email and I'll see if a few guys would mind exchanging emails. One generalization about engineers - not the most outwardly social group, but no one's perfect.
Thanks, I'll send you my email.

Thanks again everyone for the replies.
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