Originally Posted by clbmw
You got a link to this?
I don't know if it's out on the interwebs. But Scott should be able to confirm.
I can't believe that super cars are not profitable otherwise the likes of McLaren etc wouldn't exist.
Maybe BMW just aren't confident they could build something to compete with the 918 etc . You'd have to get it beyond right at that level. It seems bizarre not to want to get in to the hybrid super car arena otherwise.
It is still extremely risky to fund such a project. They already put a lot of time an effort into it, but unfortunately that the way these things go. A lot of of these special projects never make it till SOP. Especially when they are pet projects of certain board members that are replaced. In this case the 100 Jahre car was a Diess project. When he left, the emergency brake was pulled on the project. Maybe they'll still do something cool with that engine though...