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      02-25-2016, 03:48 PM   #1
MkaSs's Avatar

Drives: White 2013 328xi sport
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Castle Rock

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Change their perception of us!

Hello Everyone,

This will be my first post, so please feel free to tell me what's what. I will try to do my best not to offend anyone.

The reason for this post is my overall dissatisfaction with the way the public(at least it seams to me) views BMW drivers/owners. If you see the commercials(Audi in particular), look up BMW memes, or ask anyone what they feel or think, it is pretty much the same thing. BMW drivers are D..... B..'s, A..Holes, Jerks, and D...'s. We don't use our blinkers, follow to close, or just act like we own the road. I for one feel that I am an upstanding driver. I get upset at people, not just BMW drivers, when they don't use blinkers, merge nicely, or just don't pay attention. I get upset at myself if I don't use my blinker. I try to be as courteous as possible. I let people merge, I drive slow in parking lots and residential areas. I we wait while someone pulls out or backs into a parking spot. Overall I think people as a whole need to be more aware and pleasant towards each other. Driving is no different. My wife owns a Subaru WRX and it is very nice to see EVERY OTHER person in a Subaru waving. I would like to see the same friendliness between BMW drivers. I'm always waving to other BMW drivers and rarely do I get a wave back. I would also like to see or hear a change in the way the world perceives us. I'd like to ask everyone to please be mindful of others on the road. Don't speed up to block someone from entering the highway. Use your blinkers, they are free to use(from a BMW meme), and use the golden rule. Treat others they way you would like to be treated, it's simple, it's basic but it would change everything if everyone practiced it. So please tell me you'll show everyone that BMW drivers aren't the tools they think we are!
Appreciate 1