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      03-14-2016, 09:38 AM   #102
twin fed
Doc Brown
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Originally Posted by ja. View Post
First, thank you for ur awesome advice, u were right about what u thought why i made this thread. I am in my mid 20s and she is in her early 20s.. I want us, well we do both want to be faithful and loving to each other. we have actually gone to pre-marriage counselling, we have also listened to talk re: marriage. We both enjoyed it and we both want to keep learning more about each other and how to keep this relationship growing in the right direction.

I do know that CHANGE is the only thing that is for sure in life. Her and I will not be the same 10/20/30 yrs from now. our thoughts and focus would not be the same as it is right now. I guess another question is how do you learn how to love someone despite all these changes?

thank you, much appreciated. We have said to each other that going into this relationship, we only have 1 goal in mind. we are focus on only building a life together and having a family. Divorce is not an option once married.

now question not just to the two of you but to everyone- Temptation is everywhere and even myself and im sure for her it will come as well. is there any way around it? I do trust her to make the right decisions and have always told her to "not put herself in that situation"(insert examples here) we all know as well there are guys(maybe even ladies) that will try and ruin the relationship or wont have any respect to marriage.

The thing about temptation is that is is fleeting. Sure you may meet a coworker or friend of a friend and there may be some flirting. But is that worth the risk of cheating on the person you truly love. It's funny my wife always asks me if I get jealous if we are out and someone asks to buy her a drink. And my answer is NO, I don't. I trust her 100% and I know that she trusts me, even though she says she gets jealous. Plus that is one less drink that I have to buy ;-) Trust is paramount. If you have a insecure partner, it can be tough. I was with a girl (before my wife) that I loved but for whatever reason she never trusted me and ultimately that was one of the many reasons that lead to our breaking up. Being on the same page with your partner about important things is necessary before going into marriage. Sure there are going to be changes throughout life but if there is basic fundamental core to work off of, changes together through life will work themselves out.

Appreciate 2