Originally Posted by Wolf 335
In your field of work, do you work with any viruses and are there any concrete paths that lead to advancement of eliminating/containing viral bodies?
If I understand your question correctly, you're asking if there are any advancements in eliminating viruses from cells that have already been infected. If that's not it, please let me know.
The answer is that it depends on the type of virus.
Some viruses, like HIV, become entangled in our own DNA, and is, at this time, impossible to "extract" from cells. There are treatments to limit its growth, but with the frequency of mutations in the virus, it will eventually become resistant.
For other types of viruses, there are some treatments which help limit spread and give your immune system a chance to fight it off. On average, it takes 4-6 weeks to mount a specific immune response - whether the infection is viral or otherwise. But, not everything will result in an immune response by a persons body.